May 5 – 9, 2016
On Star Wars Day, 2016, I flew from Charlotte. The direct flights are seasonal and don't start back up until June, so I had to fly to Miami. The weather was stormy there, so with the delay in Charlotte waiting out the storm and with the wait in Miami for our plane to get there, we didn't land in Bermuda until the wee hours of May 5. After a bit of sleep, I made a quick survey of the whole island by ferry and bus, and then spent the afternoon in St. George's. Friday was rainy, so I visited the BUEI and museums. Saturday wasn't a lot better, but then Sunday and Monday were gorgeous. Rather than organizing pages of my pictures by date, I'll divide them up by locale.
I stayed in the capital Hamilton, which is near the center of the island. (OK, so I know it is a bunch of islands connected by causeway and bridges, part of the tops of a volcanic mountain, but even the locals refer to it as an island.) From Hamilton the Dockyard is a 20-minute ferry ride west, and St. George's is an hour bus ride to the northeast. Both are scenic journeys in their own right. The airport is on St. David's Island, just soutwest of St. George's.